Online Magazine creation

Mariana Schmidt
3 min readMar 15, 2021


Preview of Hifi version WE: online magazine

Our challenge for this week was creating an online magazine for a specific Persona of our choice. We chose Elaine a 35 year old Eco-Friendly Researcher.

”She wants to invest more on self care and self love while being good to others, seeding a more empathic society.”

Elaine has the following goals:

  • Being more rational,
  • Discover new passions,
  • Achieve a good work-life balance.

She loves to read National Geographic, The New Yorker and Broadly.

The Magazine

Since Elaine enjoys reading miscellaneous subjects from science until culture, after a Competitor's research together with the persona goals in mind it was possible to create the attributes which lead us to our concept:

The online magazine which presents every week someone new. They are quite diverse, from influential to regular people. The subjects are from lifestyle, to politics, sustainability, consciousness and travel.

The content

For the content we present people and their stories. E.g.: Prinz Ludwig von Bayern; Development worker — He shows his volunteer projects in Khaipur. Or Silja Schofer; Nutritionist — She talks about healthy fat and shows an olive harvest. John Brown; Polar explorer and adventurer — During his expeditions he became an environmental activist.

Our magazine brings a cool feature which is having a documentary of each person interviewed. Also weekly podcasts so Elaine can hear while she is running or cooking.

Overview of Desktop & Mobile version

The Brand

Our magazine's name is: We. The logo uses the same font as in the magazine and twisting the letter "e" to bring playfulness — which is one of our attributes and also to show that our goal is not about being perfect, but celebrate the different.

We are all about people

The colors chosen are a mix of playful, friendly, casual yet they are harmonic and clean.

We chose two different fonts that comes from the Mood board we previously created. One is used more for Headlines and copy. The second is used on captions and quotations. The typewriter font resembles traditional story telling and has a more personal fell to it.

After these steps we could assemble all in a style tile which gives a first glimpse to what the brand and the magazine will look like. It is almost as the main guide for creating the Hi-fi version of the online magazine.

Before creating the sitemap we thought about the user flow. What would Elaine research on our magazine? Lately she is into how improving her health in many directions. So she enters the homepage of We magazine. When scrolling down to the subjects she finds out the Care section. It calls her attention so she sees what's in this category. Elaine finds an interesting interview with a Nutritionist talking about healthy fat oils and decides to jump in. She reads through til the end and sees there are other health related interviews, so she selects the next story about a boxer athlete.

You can follow Elaine's steps by looking at the result of our prototype on Figma:



Mariana Schmidt

Product Designer with a background in Graphic Design offering complete solutions for digital products from start to end.